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tv   News4 at 4  NBC  October 12, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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the first pitch of game five. good afternoon. i'm pat lawson muse. >> and i'm jim handly. hear we go, folks. tonight is game five after the dramatic night of baseball here in washington. and now they need a big win tonight to keep their play-off hopes alive. we have team coverage for you. pat collins is outside the park. but we begin with dan hellie on the field where it all happened last night. can they pull it together tonight, dan? >> this could be the biggest night in d.c. baseball in 80 years. of course, if they win this game, they advance to the national series. that is, if they win this game. the game starts in about 4 1/2 hours. the stadium is empty. i'm sure there are people starting to trickle in outside. gio gonzalez will be on the mound facing adam wayne wroiwri.
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in the ninth inning last night, jason werth just epic at-bat against kyle lohse. and on the 13th pitch, he goes yard. that's the 14th postseason home run for jason werth. but his first as a national. and the biggest home run in nationals history. it wins the game. a walkoff home run for the nats. so they advance to game five, due in part to jason werth. >> that's what it's all about. that's what you play all season for. that's what you work all winter for. and you get to spring training early for. we've got a chance tomorrow to take the next step. i know my teammates will be ready, and the city will, too. >> i don't think -- i think i screamed so loud i threw up. it was unbelievable. i mean, that was -- what a great at-bat. he's one of the leaders on the team. it was awesome. >> and ross detwiler probably
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pitched one of his better game of the year. $126 million contract. after that game somebody owned mark leonard in the locker room, if nothing else happens with jason werth the rest of his career, is that home run worth $126 million? leonard said, it's been worth it for quite a while. doug kammerer will be joining me -- there you see the furry knuckles right there. >> numbers up for what's to come. thanks, dan 789 team coverage continues now with pat collins, who's outside the park where fans have been gathering all day to show their nat-itude. and there's a whole lot of that today, pat. >> reporter: pat, indeed. we're outside of nats park. i was just over at the box office there. they say the only tickets they have left for this game are party suite tickets. they're $315 apiece. and they say they don't have that many left.
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party suite tickets, about $315 apiece. they still have some left. you know, in the world we live in today, we have all sorts of re-starts, re-boots and do-overs. you get a bad s.a.t. score, take the test again. flunk the driver's test, do over. but game five of a play-off, there is no second chance. and that's why it's especially important to show me your nat-itude. if people in our city seem especially confident today, it's because they've super sized their nat-itude. >> woo! >> reporter: one must-win game, leads to another must-win. no matter. nat-itude. that's serious nat-itude. >> that is serious nat-itude. i'm going to get a bigger one on the back. >> reporter: wins tonight, it goes on the back?
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>> if they win tonight, i'll get it tomorrow. >> reporter: that's some nat-itude. the regular season, blue collar baseball, play, play, travel, play, play some more. but when the air gets crisp and the bunting goes up, the play-offs begin, new pressures. new nat-itude. regular season nat-itude would be what? >> go nats. >> reporter: now give me some play-off nat-itude! >> go, nats! >> reporter: indeed, it's a different day in the city of washington. a happier time. you can blame that on baseball, and this thing they call nat-itude. >> go nats! werth! harper! stratburg! let's go. here we go. >> reporter: nat-itude! >> here we go! game five! >> reporter: now, do you believe in numbers, the significance of numbers and the role they may
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play in our lives? at 5:00, we'll be talking about numbers and what role they may have played in that big hit last night. i'll see you at 5:00. for now, i'm pat collins, live at nats park. >> 5:00 for gave final. pat collins with pat ditude out there. chief meteorologist doug kammerer has lots of nat-itude. he's in the park for the first pitch forecast. >> really, cannot wait for tonight. just amazing what's going on here in the city, of course. as far as the weather's concerned, there's a big issue as far as the temperatures are concerned. probably not as much for the players as for the fans. last night, the temperatures a little on the cool side. but tonight, being a night game, no sunshine, winds gusting between 20 and 25 miles an hour, the temperatures are going to start to fall here pretty quick. let's show you what we're dealing with out there. 62 degrees at the airport with the winds out of of the northwest at 18 miles per hour, but gusting to 25 in some locations. that is ushering in some cooler
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air. look to the north and west, only in 950s. 55 in hagerstown, 52 right now in winchester, down to the south and east a little bit warmer, 68 right now down to pax river. we're going to see the cooler air make its way in throughout the night. but starting our game time, as far as the weather's concerned, i think we'll see clear skies, rather breezy conditions and down to about 52. with that wind, it will feel even cooler. make sure you bring not just a jacket, maybe a coat and maybe even the gloves and a hat. by the end of the game, i think the temperatures could be in the mid-40s, and a little bit of a windchill out here. me and dan left the station today and somebody said to us, you guys look exactly the same. red ties. the blue checked shirts. my suit's probably a little nicer. but it's still looking pretty good, guys. what do you think? >> i like to call it nat-itude. >> i think that's double trouble there. >> we're talking triple here,
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because handly's tie is also red. >> that's what i'm talking about right there. >> the same one i wore yesterday. the lucky tie. i've got to do it. thanks, guys. we'll be checking back throughout the evening. and stay with news4 for continuing coverage of game five. we'll have team coverage tonight at 5:00 and 6:00. and you can also get the latest on everything is on the line tonight for baltimore. and fans rooting for a beltway world series. the orioles overcame a disappointing loss wednesday to earn their own extra innings. a win last night. j.j. hardy hit the winning run in the 13th to help the team to their 2-1 victory over the yankees. the os and yankees take the mound in new york in just over an hour. the winner of that game moves on to meet detroit for the championship series. the race for t white house, the day after the vice presidential debate. both sides are claiming victory. but mitt romney is raising questions today about the deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in
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libya. and what the vice president and others know about it. steve handelsman joins us live from cincinnati with the story. steve? >> reporter: jim, thank you. good evening from cincinnati, ohio. two hours after the debate site. this is a great place to eat. in a key county and maybe the key battleground state. so we hope a good place to gauge the effect of last night's debate. the election could hinge on hamilton county, ohio. cincinnati chili has the lunch favorite. but cincinnati voters swing between parties. barack obama won here in '08 but republicans are relieved today. >> last night's debate is not going to hurt us in the county. >> congressman ryan held his own. >> i will vote for obama, period. >> last night helped? >> just convinced it.
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>> reporter: paul ryan was upbeat this morning. >> i feel great. >> reporter: in danville last night, ryan drank a lot of water, but didn't sound nervous. >> job growth in september was slower than it was in august. >> reporter: joe biden smiled a lot. some say con de sendingly. >> 5.2 million new private sector jobs. >> reporter: he denied obama covered up the al qaeda attack in libya. >> the intelligence community told us that about exactly what happened, they changed their assessment. >> i thought joe biden was terrific tonight. i could not be prouder of him. >> reporter: but mitt romney charged today biden doubled down on denial when he said, quote, we weren't told u.s. diplomats in libya asked for more security. >> when the vice president of the united states directly contradicts the testimony, sworn testimony of state department officials, american citizens have a right to know just what's going on. >> reporter: back in cincinnati,
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a bakery is polling ohio voters with cookie sales. so far, it's obama in the lead. just four days until the president and mitt romney tangle again in their second debate on long island. live from cincinnati, steve hand elsman, news4. when we come back this afternoon, a hidden camera investigation. what you need to know about chimney sweep scams. before you light up your fireplace this fall. the actress who is front-runner to star in the new "fifty shades of grey" movie. and movies opening this weekend.
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doom and gloom is on sale. that's the title of the first new song in six years to be released by the rolling stopes. one of two new songs that will be on their new greatest hits album that goes out next month. they're celebrating their 50th anniversary this year. some music critics say the stones have gone back to their roots in the up-tempo blues track described as gritty, dirty, even swampy. there you go. . ♪ i know my way around here ♪ the brooklyn duck >> barbra streisand went back to her brooklyn roots last night at
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the new barclays center. she said the last time she performed so low in brooklyn, it was on somebody's front stoop, and she was 8 years old. she also said she left brooklyn to pursue her dreams, but that brooklyn never quite left her. streisand is 70 years old now and famously battled stage fright. no sign of nerves last night, though, as she sang and joked to a very appreciative crowd. new details today on who will star in the film adaptation of the best-selling novel "fifty shades of grey." actress mila kunis is the front-runner. kunis tops the list of actresses being considered, she was recently named the sexiest woman alive by esquire magazine. emma watson and kristen stewart also topped that list. ryan gosling is considered for the male lead. one of the most critically acclaimed movie of the fall season opens this weekend. ben affleck's new thriller
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"argo" isn't the only movie hit in theaters. >> we have to cut $48,000. or raise the money. >> who's going to do that? >> we will. >> kevin james writes a check his body can't cash. he's a biology teacher at a failing high school that's fighting to cut the extra kurk lars when they come up with the best bad idea ever. "here comes the boom" is rated pg. >> we all fly out together. >> movie saves lives in "argo." escaping from a group of hostages, and are in hiding. affleck poses as a big shot movie producer, and flies them out of iran. >> do you think these are serial murders? >> i don't know.
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>> ethan hawke finds films that moves into the house of a murdered family, and he finds a box of home movies depicting grisly murders. when he investigates similarity between the crimes, and it is rated r. canine crimes turns into a catastrophe in seven psychopa s psychopaths. they start snatching puppies for profit. when they nab a gangster's shi it s it stu, they come after him. >> that looks pretty funny. >> no, no, no. the gangster. >> cute little dog. turning to the weather. quite pleasant. beautiful today. >> it's going to be a three shi
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it it is su night. you won't have to go far outside the capital beltway before temperatures will be at or below the 32-degree mark by tomorrow morning. for now, what a beautiful afternoon outside. still have to hold on to your hat just a bit. winds gusting out of the northwest at 15 to 20 miles an hour. other than the breeze, it is a nice looking day right now. 62 now out at the airport. cooler 50s to the north and west and warmer, near 70 across southern maryland. 69 in charlottesville. 68 degrees now in stanton. 63 on the eastern shore. your friday evening planner, high school football. if you're sitting on a metal bleacher, you better bring a cushion. temperatures dropping quickly back down into the upper 40s and
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low 50s as soon as the sun goes down. freeze warnings have been posted basically up to the north and west of i-95, northern and western maryland, manassas out toward leesburg and winchester, expected to be below freezing by early tomorrow morning. no rain around our immediate area. the cooler air up to the north and west is going to settle in for tonight. and then start to retreat during the course of the day tomorrow. so tomorrow, another relatively chilly day. but sunday's looking absolutely beautiful. high pressure drifting right overhead late tonight into early tomorrow. a clear sky, very dry air in place, and a dying breeze. that's the setup for a real cold start tomorrow morning. the chill is really confined to just tomorrow morning. tomorrow afternoon will be nice. a littlearm front comes through late saturday night into sunday. that opens the floodgates to a fairly stiff southwesterly breeze on sunday which will put temperatures back in the mid-70s, even with the breezes around. sunday looking awfully warm. for the rest of this evening,
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clear skies and cooling down almost immediately after the sun goes down. that happens at 6:33. evening temperatures, upper 40s to mid-50s. overnight tonight, clear skies. the freeze warning the west of i-95. some spots out in the shenandoah valley upper 20s. tomorrow, nice looking day. after a real cold start, it will be a beautiful october afternoon. plenty of sunshine, highs tomorrow, upper 50s to low 60s. leaf peeping this weekend? good colors showing up in the high spots along skyline drive. 62 tomorrow. but 75 with the wind on sunday. 74 on monday, with a risk of some showers coming in monday afternoon and monday night. should be out of here in the tuesday time frame. i'll show you the rest of the seven-day forecast in a minute. coming up on news4, shuttle "endeavour" goes on a final road trip. the journey to its new home through some pretty tight quarters.
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i'm liz crenshaw. is there any way to stop a previous tenant's mail from coming to your house? that's the question. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder
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visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything.
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is there any way to stop a previous tenant's mail from coming to your home? is it true that canceling a credit card can adversely affect your credit score? and why do the leaves on trees change color in the fall? good questions. liz crenshaw is here with all of the answers. happy friday, liz. >> thank you, pat. >> brenda says she recently moved into a new house and she's getting bombarded from mail from the previous tenant. >> how do you make them go away? we turned to the u.s. postal service for this. there are several things you can do. first, you should communicate with your letter carrier, that this is happening. you can do this in person, by leaving a note for the carrier in the mailbox, or writing the word "moved" on the ex-tenant's mail and placing it back in the
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mailbox. place information on the inside of your mailbox informing the letter carrier of the names of the current residents at your address. as a reminder, you will continue to receive any mail that includes the words "or current resident" after the previous tenant's name. you can't get rid of those, but you can those that just have their name on it. >> joyce wants to know if it's true canceling a credit card can adversely affect your credit score? >> joyce, we did contact consumer attorneys for this answer. she said closing any credit account negatively impacts your credit score. smith valentine recommends paying off your credit cards, but leaving those accounts open. that's because part of your credit score is based on the ratio of how much you owe to your available credit. so even if you aren't using an old account, just keeping it open will actually help your score. >> just keep it open --
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>> but with a nice zero balance. >> judy wants to know why the leaves on the trees change color in the fall? >> we all get this wrong. judy, we turned to the u.s. national aboritum for this. the production of chlorophyll slows down and then stops. the pigments become visible in the leaf when the colhlorophylls gone. early frost can cause leaves to shrivel and turn brown which stops the pigment from being produced. there you go. now you're smart. if you have a question you would like us to ask, send it to ask liz at and connect with me on twitter, just search liz crenshaw. coming up at 5:00 tonight, are absentee ballots always counted in an election?
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why are the nfl players and refs wearing so much pink? and where can you donate medical equipment? find out the answers to those on "ask liz" at 5:00. >> i'll be watching. good questions there. thanks, liz. are chimney sweep companies charging for unnecessary repairs? the results of a hidden camera investigation is on the way. and on the move, an historic 12-mile journey as shuttle "endeavour" passes just feet away from some l.a. buildings. [ female announcer ] it's one of the hardest decisions
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a family can make... realizing a nursing home is the only choice. for many middle class families, medicaid is the only way to afford the care. but as a governor, mitt romney raised nursing home fees eight times. and as president, his budget cuts medicaid by one-third and burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. we have a president who won't let that happen. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approved this message.
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welcome back, everybody, at 4:30. i'm jim handly. >> i'm pat lieuson muse. if your chimney isn't in good condition, it can be dangerous, even set your house on fire. >> that's why you hire a chimney company to make sure everything is safe. but as national investigative reporter jeff rossen discovered, if you call the wrong company, you might get burned. >> reporter: there's nothing quite like it, snuggling with the family in front of a warm crackling fire. >> get the camera out of my face.
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>> reporter: but these chimney guys -- >> don't touch the camera. >> reporter: -- aren't in the mood. we hired them to inspect our chimney. so what would we find? did your boss tell you to clean this chimney whether it needed it or not? we rented this home in suburban new york, with a fireplace and chimney in good working condition. we know, because we had three certified chimney experts inspect it, from top to bottom. using high-tech video cameras. >> it's in good condition. >> reporter: inspecting for water damage. even going on the roof to check the cap and crown. >> safetywise, it's in excellent condition. >> reporter: we had the chimney swept, and recaulked. >> i've been doing this for 30 years. >> reporter: we even brought in one of the nation's top experts, ashley eldridge, a director at the chimney safety institute of america. he confirmed our chimney's in good shape. >> if a company says you need
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repairs today -- >> that's not true. >> reporter: we wired up our house with 11 hidden cameras. putting them in bird houses, on the roof, even in the fireplace itself. then we have this mom, melissa, pose as a new homeowner. >> i'm calling to get my fireplace and chimney inspected. >> reporter: we had melissa call eight companies, telling them she wants a full safety inspection. >> hi, how are you? >> reporter: one by one, the chimney techs arrived. >> he's getting up on the roof. >> reporter: we're in a control room in the basement watching with our expert. good news, after inspecting our chimney -- >> honestly, this is pretty clean. >> reporter: this company gives melissa the thumbs up. in fact, four more companies show up. >> it's fine.
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>> okay. >> good to go. >> looks brand-new. >> everything looks perfect in there. it doesn't need a cleaning now. >> hi, how are you? >> reporter: this next company has a different opinion. >> yes, this is dirty. >> reporter: cleaning it is included in their inspection. no extra charge. so we let them. they say it's safe. >> you can use it today. >> hi, how are you? >> reporter: if everything's fine, why did these next companies find problems that will cost us? this tech does a quick inspection. then has some scary news. >> does it need to be cleaned? >> yeah, it does. all this right here, you want to get this up. and that is what can start a chimney fire. >> reporter: our expert said what he's pointing at is just harmless debris. that can't start a fire. >> is that dangerous? >> you would want to get this done now. >> reporter: the charge for the inspection and cleaning? $139.
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>> jeff rossen from nbc news. >> how are you doing? >> three certified experts looked at this chimney. it was just swept recently and it hasn't been used since. and they say it's in good shape. why are you charging $139 to sweep this chimney? >> my boss told me to clean it if it needed to be dleend. >> did your boss tell you to clean this regardless? his boss said he never tells his employees to do unnecessary work. and asked to check our fireplace himself. >> that is dirty. >> our expert acknowledges that it could be cleaner, but the amount of debris does not en come close to warrant a hazard. >> he said this can cause a chimney fire. >> he didn't use the word chimney fire, i don't believe. >> yes, he did. >> that is what can start chimney fires. >> the boss admits his tech only had a week of experience. and may have been mistaken. but still stands behind him.
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>> hi, how are you? >> plus, this next company takes the repair list to a new level. >> first i think we should clean the chimney. >> okay. >> and it gets even pricier. he also says melissa needs a new ash door, because it's rusted shut. >> $150 for the door on the bottom. >> and she needs waterproofing. >> water seal? >> $475. >> he said it's necessary to fix a water problem. >> the water goes from the outside and starts to leach out of here. i see that here. >> okay. >> if you let that go, this is going to look like hell after a while. >> but our expert says that white stuff is just part of the stone. not evidence of a water problem. >> it needs to be done anyway. the cleaning needs to be done, the water proofing needs to be done and the door. >> $750. we have questions. >> you stand by your $750?
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>> i'm a reputable company. this is what i'm thinking. >> he says he wasn't pushing our mom. just making recommendations. >> you're the expert, you tell this mom it has to be done. of course she's going to believe you. our experts say it's in good shape right now. doesn't need the water seal. doesn't need the cleaning and doesn't need that door. >> dude, i need to go. >> don't touch the camera. >> get out of my [ bleep ] face. >> his boss later told us he agrees with his tech, the chimney needs those repairs and his company has many very satisfied customers. but our expert says in this industry, there's little regulation. >> anyone who chooses to become a chimney sweep can, with no formal training at all. >> who knows who's coming up to your front door? >> you don't. >> now, experts advise customers to look for companies with trained and certified technicians. to find one near you, go to, and search chimney. experts tell jeff rossen
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chimneys should be swept clean or inspected at least once a year. a lot of criticism followed today's announcement about the nobel peace prize. >> the committee has decided that the nobel peace prize for 2012 is to be awarded to the european union. >> the nobel committee rewarded the european union for promoting democracy in human rights in the aftermath of world war ii and the cold war. they point to the eu financial crisis and the threat to the global economy. but the committee praised the union's, quote, successful struggles for peace. more to come on news4 at 4:00. the "celebrity apprentice" contestants are revealed. meet the all-star cast. the date that apple is expected to unveil its newest product that could wow [ mitt romney ] look at the evidence of the last four years.
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under the president's policies, middle income americans have been buried. they're just being crushed. middle-income americans have seen their income come down by $4,300. this is a tax in and of itself. i'll call it the economy tax. i'm not going to raise taxes on anyone. my plan is to bring down rates to get more people working. my priority is putting people back to work in america. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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the mars land rover curiosity appears to have made a very surprising, yet familiar find on the red planet. while testing rocks for their chemical compositions. it uncovered the rock a first of its kind on mars but off ones often found here on earth. nasa is being careful in describing what this means.
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they're trying to determine whether there has ever been life on mars. "celebrity apprentice" is about to kick off its 1th season. host donald trump is bringing back a group of all-stars from previous seasons. the cast was revealed this morning on the "today" show. >> we've got brett mickaels, claudia jordan, gary busey,ly john, d. snider. >> dennis, are you okay? >> we have brandy. and we have steven baldwin. we have trace adkins, who's become a big monster in the music world. mary lou, the greatest memory of them all. and i can't get tickets to your show in vegas. >> he's put them back on the map, trump has. amyrosa and latoya jackson were
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not there. it airs in march. just weeks after the debut of the iphone 5, apple is sending out invitations for another big announcement. many expect to get their first look at the long rumored ipad mini on october 23rd. apple is trying to compete with smaller, cheaper tablets like amazon's kindle fire and google's nexus. microsoft is launching its own surface tablet three days after the apple event. when we come right back, an historic journey with parallel parking, tight turns. >> try parallel parking that. dorothy's ruby slippers are off to see the queen.
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take away his toys and he'll play with a stick. take away their bikes and they'll still find a way to get where they're going. but if take you away early childhood education... slash k-12 funding... and cut college aid for middle class families ... they won't go far. yet that's exactly what mitt romney wants to do...
4:43 pm pay for a $250,000 tax break for multi-millionaires. if mitt romney wins, the middle class loses. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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a rare sight in australia. take a look. an unusual snowfall caught these kangaroos by surprise. a man living on an endangered
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species sanctuary in new south wales shot this video this morning. he fed the kangaroos pieces of bread while they hopped around in the snow to try to keep warm. that was a dusting. but boy, they probably didn't know what hit them. >> they don't do snow. >> i don't think so. >> try hopping in that stuff. >> they look pleasantly surprised. >> we don't do really cold weather this early in october, except we'd better get ready to, huh? >> national airport normally doesn't get below 40 degrees for another couple of weeks. in the western suburbs, we're just about on average for getting down below 40 degrees out toward dulles airport and the blue ridge. but it's going to be cold, whether it's early or not. here it comes, everybody. a beautiful afternoon outside. still in the upper 50s and low 60s. it is a very plublustery northwesterly wind. scaffolding up there as they try to repair the earthquake damage
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at the cathedral. 62 currently. with the northwesterly wind, you really have to be ready for the bundle-up factor for high school football games tonight and anything else you'll be doing. mid-50s to the north and west. still flirting with 70 degrees down toward solomon's island. if you're headed out to nats ballpark, bundle up. it's going to be chilly for sure. 52 at first pitch. but temperatures back down into the mid-40s by the time you get to the end of the game. there's your friday night planner. temperatures, high school football games get going fairly early, mid-50s. but mid-40s by 11:00 tonight. freeze warnings are out north and west of washington. even frost advisories now. so be ready for a very chilly start tomorrow. no rain anywhere in sight. lows tonight, below freezing to the north and west. probably right at 40 in town and right along the bay. upper 30s out toward waldorf and
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la plata. tomorrow, another day much like today, except without the gusty winds. back in the upper 50s and low 60s. beautiful day coming tomorrow after a cold start. what about the redskins game? that's sunday afternoon from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. breezy and mild for that game. here's your all-important seven-day forecast. 62 tomorrow, mid-70s on sunday and monday. and pretty nice weather as you go into the weekend. tomorrow, college football forecast. if you have a game you want to see, go to chuck bell. send me all your requests and we'll get them on the show first thing tomorrow morning. the spate shuttle "endeavour" is making its final journey today. let's take a live look right now in los angeles. here the crowds gather to take a look as the shuttle make its 12-mile trip from los angeles to its new home at the california
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science center. stephanie stanton talked to the experts about how they're going to move the giant shuttle through the streets of los angeles. >> reporter: the shuttle "endeavour" departed l.a.x. on its 200,000-pound transport vehicle and began rolling around 2:00 a.m. >> 80 wheels, and each wheel can move independently, but they're all computer controlled. >> reporter: spectators lined the streets for a chance to witness history. >> it's just the american dream. it's an american icon. it's an american hero. >> and liftoff. >> reporter: after 25 missions and millions of miles in space, "endeavour" will soon call the california science center home. captain mark kelly served as commander of "endeavour's" final space mission and said fans will get an extra treat when visiting the shuttle. >> they'll try to display it in the vertical with an external tank and rocket boosters like it's on the launchpad. >> reporter: but the "endeavour" must make the painstaking
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12-mile journey to downtown l.a. dubbed mission 26, with top speeds of just 2 miles an hour, the shuttle will be just inches away from buildings at some points along the route. crews also installed steel reinforcements along parts of the street to accommodate the 78-foot-wide, 170,000-pound spacecraft. an historic move and a homecoming for "endeavour" which was built in southern california and will be the only shuttle displayed on the west coast. the coast-to-coast shipping and handling for the shuttle is about $28 million. paid for by the california science center. the exhibit opens october 30th. reporting in los angeles, stephanie stanton, nbc news. wow. >> you've got to put people up next to it to get the whole scope of it. >> can you imagine going out to your mailbox, to get your mail, and seeing that coming down the street? >> i can. how cool. coming up, feeling like we're not in d.c. anymore? dorothy's ruby slippers make
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their first international journey. coming up tonight at 5:00, what a secret service agent was busted for just hours after president obama's event in miami. plus the vice presidential debate, very animated if you watched. but were both men telling the truth about everything? we fact checked that debate last night. and later tonight at 6:00, astronomers may have discovered what could be the first diamond planet. if a picture's worth
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thousand words, this one's saying a lot. tampa, florida, community started out making a mosaic of a few pictures of everyday people. but it's become a mosaic of 176, 750 snapshots. they are laid out in rows of about 500 each and measure more than 21,000 square feet. a computer program figured out which picture went where, and the mosaic breaks the world. one of the smithsonian's most cherished and popular artifacts on loan to a museum in london. the ruby slippers that actress judy garland wore in the wizard of oz are displayed along with her gingham dress. and there's an interactive
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element, too. >> this is a very old-fashioned victorian illusion. our visitors will be able to move to the left and see her in kansas. and move to the right and see her in oz. >> as long as you're not in a swirling tornado. the exhibit opens october 20th at the victoria and albert museum. the slippers will return back here to washington at the american history museum late next month. still ahead on news4. police shift their focus in the search for a missing 10-year-old girl. [ female announcer ] it's one of the hardest decisions
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a family can make... realizing a nursing home is the only choice. for many middle class families, medicaid is the only way to afford the care. but as a governor, mitt romney raised nursing home fees eight times. and as president, his budget cuts medicaid by one-third and burdens families with the cost of nursing home care. we have a president who won't let that happen. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approved this message.
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an agonizing wait for miami members of a missing colorado girl. this evening police are expected to announce whether the body found in a park is that of 10-year-old jessica ridgeway. as nbc's chris clackum reports, right now investigators are asking for help to track down her kidnapper. >> reporter: colorado authorities haven't said yet whether the remains found outside denver wednesday night are those of 10-year-old jessica ridgeway, but they've already shifted the investigation somewhat to looking for suspects. >> could be your boss, your friend, and ultimately it could be your family member. >> reporter: also, what were searches for jessica are now searches for evidence, that might explain what happened when she disappeared last week while walking to school the last time her mother saw her. >> you don't want any -- any
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parent -- any parent to -- to ever experience in their whole entire life to learn your child has been taken. >> reporter: the body was discovered several miles away from where jessica lived. but until something definitive is announced, the community struggles. >> it's every parent's worst nightmare. you know, i think everybody's holding their kids a little bit tighter. >> reporter: they've received 1,200 tips so far, but say they want more. chris clackum, nbc news. >> we're told every day jessica walked three blocks in her neighborhood to meet up with friends to walk to school. up next, a must-win night for the nats. the secret service agent passed out drunk on the street just hours after president obama's speech. a young woman is raped right
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after she got off a bus in northern virginia. a lot of folks are walking around with nat-itude in town today. we have live team coverage from nats park as the baseball team looks to advance in the play-offs. good evening, everyone. i'm doreen gentzler. >> i'm jim handly. here we go. it is the biggest baseball game this city's seen in decades. one win away from advancing to the next round of the play-offs. we have live team coverage for you tonight. we begin with dan hellie on the field where the nats won last night in dramatic fashion. 3 1/2 hours away now. >> reporter: handly, the biggest game, really in almost a century if you think about it. this is what the nationals have been playing all year for. they trade four of their best prospects for a starting pitcher. jason werth $126 million. and last night, it seemed to be all worth it. jason werth was the hero as he


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